Deciding what to put on the cover of my book was difficult. Until… my friend Kirsten Engel sent me the photo – as a joke.
It all happened on a road trip to the Wildcat Mountains in Wisconsin’s Kickapoo Valley.
Kirsten, my road trip partner extraordinaire, and I always have a destination but how we get there is always an adventure.
We have been road tripping together for years. Both of us are photographers so if we see something, the brakes are hit and out of the car we go. If it takes nearly driving into a ditch or just stopping in the middle of a road in the middle of nowhere, we do it. How we find the middle of nowhere is always a surprise and guaranteed, there is something waiting for our cameras to find.
Then there are the turnaround shots, the well worth it u turns. A crumbling house, the way the light of day is touching the landscape, an old cemetery – have to stop there, after all, those people were just dying to get in there. I have to say it every time… drives Kirsten nuts.
We reached the Wildcat’s where the scenery is nothing short of magnificent. Places where a quick look turns to a long quiet pause to take it all in.
It was a pretty warm day in the Wildcats, 80 plus degrees when we made it to Ice Cave Trail. We were the only people there, which is always great. With our cameras in tow, we set foot on a trail that pulls you into a place of awe. All along the way we were surrounded with green so luscious that it glowed.

A creek of clear, cool water flowed by guiding our direction. Outcroppings took our eyes to the top of the trees, the smell in the air was divine. The prize at the end of the trail is a small trickling waterfall.
Not quite sure what came over me, but off went my camera, my glasses, and my shoes and socks. I walked directly under the water. It was cold, really cold, but it absolutely had to be done.
Lifting my face into the water, everything I thought was a challenge, disappeared. I giggled like a like a little schoolgirl, I laughed out loud for the woods to hear. I felt privileged to be right where I was. My mantra of “experience all you can, whenever you can, and take chances” spoke to me.
Kirsten followed suit, we had so much fun laughing and splashing, and looking at each other as if we were both nuts. Well, I think we fit that description well.
I was drenched head to toe. I had to wring my shirt out, my jeans were stuck to me, there wasn’t a dry spot on me. It was perfect!

Without thinking about the fact that I’d be soaked and that I didn’t have anything to change into, I took my shirt off and held it out the car window to dry. Jeans, well, just dealt with it.
So, with all the windows open, laughing so hard we were crying, off we went with joy and gratitude flowing from our hearts. This is why I choose the cover photo for my book. It perfectly represents my transformation of a life overflowing with amazing and joyful chances.

Now, each year on June 30th, Kirsten and I revisit the falls celebrating an anniversary of the Best. Day. Ever.
Find your waterfall and walk in.
Valerie again… sorry to be nitpicking but I was an English major.. In the paragragh that starts ” With my head uplifted… you have the phrase “like a schoolgirl” which you repeat twice in a row.
Thank you for pointing this out, Val! It’s very helpful and I appreciate your support.