Nurture your spirit, huh?  How the hell does one do that when your spirit withered away?  This was exactly what happened to me.  My spirit disappeared when I was introduced to disability.  From my first fall, poof, away it went.

I never thought about this until much later, but my spirit didn’t disappear, it re-connected to each new experience I had.  From the time I fell from bed, crawling to the bathroom, sliding down the stairs, from each new wobbling step I took, and each fall.  Everything I went through, and still go through, has been forming within me a new spirit, one of accepting myself just as I am.  My secret to a stronger, most magnificent spirit.  

I believe our spirit evolves from change.  From yesterday’s experiences to those just moments ago.  Each led me to right now, to a spirit of loving life, and myself.  Some changes came almost unnoticed, some took me by surprise, some I wondered what took them so long to get here. 

My physical change, my direction, dreams, and how to take my next step set my spirit on a journey of growth in areas I had no idea existed.  Some places I didn’t like, but I had to step through them to begin building a path, although crooked, to move on and gather strength and keep building. 

When I realized how my new experiences were building a stronger spirit, I stopped lagging behind and kept to my path, still crooked, but better.  In fact, being crooked accommodates my wobbling walk better.  When thinking about this, my path will always be crooked.  That’s how the spirit grows, one day on point, the next on a newly discovered direction. 

Everything is hard work, but my spirit keeps pushing me to search for more, there’s so much more for me to find.  So much more to lead my spirit on a journey of soaring among the amazing life I live.  

All this is due to my introduction to disability.  See, it is the best thing that ever happened to me. 

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  1. Cheryl, you have such resilience and are such an inspiration to many.

    1. Cheryl Schiltz says:

      Thank you for your lovely compliment, Cathy 🙂 It made my heart smile.

  2. Cheryl Mahaffay says:

    I liked what you put on Facebook a few days ago CHERYL when you said that at any moment it disability can strike us. And that is what happened with me with my stroke in 2009.
    The thing that amazes me is that I didn’t have pain until my post stroke pain struck me about 2 months after my stroke. Now I am always in pain. Stress is so hard on me, but joy comes too and is so helpful.
    Thank you for your messages of hope.

    1. Cheryl Schiltz says:

      I think that after an introduction to disability the full impact isn’t realized until the body has taken it all in, it’s an evolution of sorts and it stinks. I’m sorry you are experiencing this, Cheryl, know that I think of you often and send my love and light.

  3. Rosemary Lehman says:

    You are such an inspiration to so many, Cheryl. You inspire me every day, my friend!

    1. Cheryl Schiltz says:

      You are so kind, Rosemary! You are my inspiration to do what I do!

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