I remember when I could ride a bike. Up and down hills, “look Mom, no hands”, and knowing that when the streetlights came on, it…
I remember when I could ride a bike. Up and down hills, “look Mom, no hands”, and knowing that when the streetlights came on, it…
Where does the spirit for life come from? I think it comes through creating, learning, and experiencing. It’s within our family and friends. It’s within…
Recently a friend and I explored Wisconsin’s Door County. We explored the woods, shorelines, lighthouses and so much more. But it was our explorations of…
“Normal”, it’s influenced by the people around us, our experiences in life, what we learn and believe in, our physical surroundings, etc. We all have…
Have you ever wondered if we’ve become a society that’s forgotten how to ask for help? I have. I’ve thought about how help goes beyond…
Sometimes we experience setbacks in our lives. Maybe it’s working hard to mend a relationship or looking for growth in our professions and in our…
Just when I’m moving along like skates on ice, I trip on a crack. And it hurts. But as always, the only way I know…
In my writing and discussions, I often say “when I was introduced to disability”. But why do I say that? Afterall, who’d want to be…
I’ve attended conferences, went on retreats, and read books, all intended to motivate me to achieving my goals. But when the conferences, retreats, and books…
When I was introduced to disability, I had no one to even remotely understand what I was going through. All I had was thought. To…
Have you ever taken notice to the one thing that made you angry progresses into everything makes you angry? How anger blocks you from experiencing…
Okay, sounds ridiculous right? That acquired disability is an opportunity. Well yea, it is. Tough part is getting past the thoughts of yesterday I could,…